Open Spaces

Open Spaces

December Open Spaces

Vol.: 24.12

By John W. Vander Velden

December 20, 2024

Hello friends,

I am trying to rush this letter through before Christmas, so forgive me if there is a typo or two.

Christmas has always been important to me and Jackie. We both grew up in homes that understood the true meaning of the holiday, and worked to maintain the family’s focus on the child born in a stable.

There are some that questioned the details of the Christmas story, but the specifics, are not nearly as important as the fact that God sent his Son to live among us. Each time I consider that fact, and I do daily, I feel overwhelmed.

As a father of a grown son, my focus might have changed, just a bit. You see, our son lives more than a thousand miles from the place he started…the place that once was his home. It is my hope that I aided him in an ability to use his wings to do his part to change the world. Perhaps it was similar for God, the Master and Ruler, to send His only Son to enter our world. But God was willing to do so, for you and me, knowing the whole of Christ’s story…birth to crucifixion.

As I look over the decorated tree and gaily wrapped packages, I understand the greatest gift is not among them. Yet, in truth, that greatest gift surrounds us…it fills our home and our lives…the gift of God’s love.

It is my hope that you feel the love of that gift as well.

A bit of writing news:

The draft of When Light Comes Unexpected is in the process of a final proof reading. My friend, Mark, has taken on the challenge. He uses his expertise to find the hundreds of errors I have missed. I am very grateful for Mark’s talent and am reminded of just how much I lean on others as I work to create a story. A story, I hope, that satisfies the readers that have come to love Elizabeth’s and Matthew’s tale.

Let me close as I began:

Jackie and I wish each of you a Merry Christmas. May all the light and love of the season fill your home and your life.

Have a blessed Christmas, and may 2025 be a great year for you and yours.


November Open Spaces

Vol.: 24.11

By John W. Vander Velden

November 25, 2024

Hello friends,

Thanksgiving is Thursday, and as I put these words together, I am reminded of the people I know, and I am grateful for each of you. You see, I recognize the blessings I have received through meeting and knowing others. Each person that touches my life, be it brief or extended, leaves a mark. There are times those marks are profound, perhaps even life changing. So, as I count my many blessings, know you are among them.

May you too be thankful for the people in your life, and all the blessings that you have received. May gratitude be something that each of us feel every day, and not a thought that only pops up in late November.

And so, I wish each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving!

 For a bit of writing news:

I am perhaps a week away from finishing the second round of editorial revisions, of When Light Comes Unexpected the fourth book of the Misty Creek Series. Working on this book has been an incredible journey. The next step will be having the book proofread. I expect that task will require at least three months. So from where I stand, that means I should be able to send it to my publisher in late March or April. I have no idea how much time Palmetto Publishing will need to process and format the book.

I’ll let you know as things progress.

I have heard from fans of the series, longing for this next installment. I am touched by their desire to join Elizabeth and Matthew on this next portion of their lives. It is my hope that you will be pleased by When Light Comes Unexpected, and believe the volume was worth the wait.

Other current news:

For those living in north central Indiana, I will be having a few Author’s Events in the coming weeks. Saturday November 30th, yes that’s this Saturday, I’ll be at Beary’s Emporium, 200 N. Michigan Street, Plymouth, IN. from 10 AM until 4 PM. Stop by and say hello. Then from 5 to 7 PM on Tuesday December 3rd, I was invited to participate in a Local Author’s Fair at the Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library, 209 Lincolnway East, Mishawaka, IN. Perhaps I might see you there.

I have had a friend open these doors for me, and there may yet be a couple more opportunities before the end of the year.

As you might expect it is through these events, I introduce readers to my books. Since most readers choose titles based on authors they know, being an indie author means the books of the Misty Creek Series are easily overlooked. But there are occasions when putting a face to the name on the cover, creates a doorway for a reader to seek a new book.

Wish me luck.

Let me close with these few thoughts:

It is easier to be disgruntled than grateful. It is simply human nature. But we are reminded, that for the largest group of us, that we have much to be thankful for. So, I ask two things of you.

  1. Recognize the good things in your life, family, home, and so much more.
  2. Open yourselves up to share with the less fortunate. Give to the local food pantry. Drop a donation into the Red Kettle as you go shopping. There are many, many, ways you can help the suffering. Please do so.

God’s love is all around us. We are blessed in ways we are unable to see. Share that love, especially during this special season.

With God’s Blessings, and Christ’s love,


October 2024 Open Spaces

Vol.: 24.10

By John W. Vander Velden

October 28, 2024


Have you seen the fall colors. In our area the trees are ablaze with breathtaking beauty. The leaves of scarlet and gold are indeed a sight to behold. Their beauty is a fleeting thing, so I take the time to drive around the neighborhood in awe of God’s paintbrush.

I feel it is important to take the time, now that I have a bit of control of how I spend that precious commodity, to see the wonders that surround me. Times I grab my camera in my feeble attempt to capture the magnificence of Autumn’s colors.

It is my hope that you too have had the opportunity to enjoy the colors of this fall season.

Now for a bit of writing news:

The morning of Saturday, November 2nd, I will be participating in the Plymouth, Indiana’s Public Library’s Author’s Fair. The library has recently undergone a major remodel. Though the south half of the building’s redo was finished a year or so ago, the north half was reopened last month. Even if you have no desire to meet some of my area’s local talent, come and see this amazing library and what it has to offer.

As for When Light Comes Unexpected, the fourth book of the Misty Creek Series, I am nearing page 400 of 520 in this the second round of revisions. I’m not yet certain of a release date, but each day is one day nearer. I continue to strive to provide my readers the best within my abilities. It is my hope that this volume satisfies those longing for the next portion of Elizabeth and Matthew’s story.

A few final words:

As I continue in my recovery, I am, for the time being, dealing with physical limitations. My mobility improves month to month, and I recognize the importance of the exercises I do nearly every day. Building strength in my lower limbs is helping me in this recovery.

When I dealt with the most difficult and painful portion of this particular journey, I began praying for the courage needed to go forward. I repeat that request each day, for I understand that all life’s challenges demand courage.

Doing my best to notice each bit of improvement, and there have been many, I thank the God that sustains me. The God that with each morning presents me with an amazing gift…a new day. A day with opportunities as well as challenges. But sometimes the challenges are the greater gift, for they stretch me in ways nothing else can.

So each morning while I ask for a measure of courage, I thank God for the day. I thank God for the opportunities, and the desire to seek them. And I pray for the determination and strength to face the challenges, knowing I never have to deal with these things on my own.

My wish for you this month is that you do not forget the grandness of the gift of a new day. That no matter what you face, that you too will know that you do not face those things alone. For God, the Master and Creator, knows and loves you and will always be closer than your next breath.


Open Spaces September 2024

Vol.: 24.9

By John W. Vander Velden

September 27, 2024

Hello friends,

Summer is behind us, and we have entered fall. Many consider Autumn their favorite season. Though I do love the colors of the season, Spring is my favorite time of the year. Winters in Northern Indiana can be brutal, and, as the leaves fall, I am reminded that frigid weather comes closer.

Which is not to say that I do not enjoy the crisp air in the evenings, or the morning dew that makes the spider’s webs sparkle. Because I do. I love when the leaves virtually burst with color, as no other time of the year. But Spring makes me think of new life, and Autumn doesn’t.

Yet I seek the magnificence of each day. I recognize that with each sunrise opportunities come, and I must be ready to grasp them when I can. There are times when we do not get second chances. So I appreciate fall just as much as any season, noticing what makes the season unique, doing my best to embrace those things.

It is my hope that Autumn has begun well with you. And more, that the month ahead is able to produce events that you will store away as happy memories.

Enjoy the days ahead.

Now for a bit of writing news:

I continue revising When Light Comes Unexpected the fourth book of the Misty Creek Series, and it goes well. I’m attacking this book a little differently than my previous books. I have broken down the work to three individual steps, rather than trying to get it done in one. It is my hope that it will help me catch more mistakes and smooth out the manuscript in ways I have not tried before. I am hoping to complete these steps before Christmas. Wish me luck.

I took part in an author’s fair in early September and have been invited to another in November. Author’s fairs are different from regular book signings. For one thing, September’s event had nearly forty authors in attendance. I’m not certain how many to expect in November for each library. Authors rarely sell many books at these events, so you might ask, why go to an Author’s fair?

The answer is simple enough, for the exposure. Indie authors do not have name recognition, and most books are selected by the name on the cover. One way to get readers familiar with my work is to talk to them one on one.

Readers are amazing people.

If you hear of an author’s fair, or some event featuring an author, find the time and check it out. You might be surprised.

A final few words:

I feel my life is a gift. And as all good gifts, it is up to me to use it fully but carefully. I must try not to waste any of this gift I have been given. But knowing myself I realize that I will allow opportunities to slip past. I will procrastinate when I should be charging forward. I will look away when I should remain focused on what is right in front of me. I am after all human.

Even with all my foolishness, God continues to offer new challenges, new possibilities, new ways toward success. So even as I grow older and the common things of life become more difficult, I thank God for this gift He has given.

It is my hope you appreciate the gift as well.

With God’s blessings and Christ’s love,


Open Spaces August 2024

Vol. 24.8

By John W. Vander Velden

August 30, 2024

Hello friends,

The month has nearly slipped away from me. Looking at the calendar I see that Monday is Labor Day, one of the unofficial bookends of summer. Here abouts, the school year has been in full swing for some time now. It would be a sign of my age if I said, “We never started school until after…” so I don’t say such things out loud.

I wish all the students the best as they go forward, hopefully learning. But my prayers are for the teachers. For most are dedicated people that have selected a difficult profession, that doesn’t receive the respect and rewards it is due.

So my hat is off to the brave men and women that daily run the gauntlet within the rooms and hallways of our schools.

 As for this man, I will soon leave today for what I hope is my last Physical Therapy Session. At least the last I need for this particular recovery. I must admit that over the months, going to these PT sessions has introduced me to some new friends. The kind and caring staff at SBO Elm Road, Mishawaka, have made these difficult months endurable, as I move step by step (pardon the pun) forward in my recovery.

It is my hope that if you are in need of physical recovery that you are as fortunate as I.

Now let me shift gears:

It is my hope that this summer has been a good time for you. Each season has its challenges, but also its rewards. It is my sincere hope that the summer of 2024 has given many more rewards than difficulties.

A bit of writing news:

I am roaring through the second editorial revisions of When Light Comes Unexpected, the fourth book of the Misty Creek Series. Oh there are perhaps two more months of work on this step, but the demands made upon this author by his dedicated editor are less than expected.

So what does that mean? When this round of work is done, the manuscript goes to another for a final proofread through and last corrections. Those tasks mean there are still several months of work ahead of me on this project.

I have been invited to take part in an Author’s Fair Saturday September 7th. The Beyond the Book Festival will be held in the Stark County Public Library’s Knox, Indiana, branch. Say hello if you can stop by.

I am thankful to be feeling fit enough to take on the challenge of the event. It is the first since my surgery in April and I have two other events lined up in the months ahead.

A few final words:

It is only natural that times come when we wonder, if in the big scheme of things, we matter. We watch as the world points its finger at the famous, the powerful, and the wealthy, and know we are not within those categories. We move about quietly doing our jobs, raising our families, caring for our homes, and all the hum-drum things ordinary people do.

But stand your tallest, for you are indeed an important person. A vital part of the mechanism that makes up our world. There is no one that can fill the place you take in our world’s machinery better than you, and without you there would be a lacking in the world we share.

For God made you for a specific purpose and a specific time. That time is now. Take courage my friend and never forget, God loves you…and more our world needs you.

With God’s blessings and Christ’s love,


Open Spaces July 2024

Vol.: 24.7

By John W. Vander Velden

July 23, 2024

Dear friends,

A bit more than a week remains in July. With its passing, seven months of 2024 will be behind us. Here in northern Indiana the weather has been warm, but certainly not like other areas of the nation. When we hear of triple digit temperatures coming day after day in the South-west, it is best we keep our lips sealed when it comes to temperatures we have faced. Also our prayers go to those who have suffered the ravages of other severe weather. Homes and businesses destroyed by high winds and tornadoes. Nor do we ignore those that suffered in the swath of destruction left by Hurricane Beryl, or the incredible rains that have and continue cause havoc. For many the summer has been difficult beyond measure.

It is my hope that you have not been forced to face such severe tests this summer. That, for you and yours, the days of July have been a time of opportunity in large and small ways. That the month has provided a chance to meet with family and close friends.

A bit of more personal news:

Today marks the completion of the fifteenth week of my recovery from two surgeries, and what an amazing week it was. Among the milestones reached this last week, included the return of driving privileges. Do not misunderstand, my beloved Jackie has NEVER complained about driving me to the places I needed to be. Those necessary trips include doctor’s appointments and each week’s multi-trips to Physical Therapy. Driving was only one of the things Jackie has helped me these nearly four months. Love is revealed in many ways, providing we open our eyes to see its blossoms. There are no words to express my gratitude for Jackie and the love we share.

I continue to work on building leg strength, and each day I see progress. I can visualize that one day I will be able to partake in the kind of hiking Jackie and I love. Perhaps next year we will take the two mile walk to Big Sable Lighthouse. Those miles along Lake Michigan are such a delight.

But today I go to Physical Therapy again, do my side steps, work with the leg press and other equipment which will aid in reaching the goals I have set for myself. One day at a time, a step at a time, doing my best to move forward…with God’s help.

Now for a bit of writing news:

The manuscript for When Light Comes Unexpected the fourth book of the Misty Creek Series has come back from the editor. I began the second editorial revisions last week. Thus far I have been delighted that the amount of work demanded for this pass has been light. Once I complete this revision the book will need a final proofread.

Can it be, after all this time, I am nearing the completion of this portion of Elizabeth’s and Matthew’s story. Oh, I must not ignore Nick Coulter, the lad many of you have come to love. For this book is about the lives of these three and the others that have or soon will make the valley their home.

The publishing date of When Light Comes Unexpected is several months away. Stay tuned and I will keep you advised of the progress.

Now for a few last words:

How have we allowed society to reach this point? Never in my life have I witnessed how divided we have become. First, I am reminded of Abraham Lincoln’s statement, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Have we forgotten that sentiment, or have some reached the point of preferring a nation’s destruction to even considering another point of view. I find the thought troubling.

What happened to civility?

Shouldn’t we have the decency to listen to each other’s words? That even if we disagree, we have the courteousness to hear them out and respect them for their opinion.

Shouldn’t we remember that each person is a child of God. That God loves each of his children, and those of us that have chosen or been chosen to serve His Son, our Savior, are bound by our commitment to Jesus, to love one another. Even those with whom we disagree.

It is a great deal to be asked to cut the rhetoric. To pause, but a few moments to hear and consider. Yet I am certain Christ would expect us to try.

For violence is not the solution. Love, patience, and compromise…are!

Please consider, during these divisive times, to attempt to be a calming voice in the raging storm that surrounds us.

With Christ’s love and God’s blessing,



If you wanted the link to my 1st Virtual Author’s Event here it is….

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