Writing News

Writing News

Hello friends,

This is the place you can find out what I am up to…writing-wise.

May 1, 2024

October 1, 2024

Recovering from my surgeries and the medications that recovery required has slowed my progress on When the light Comes Unexpected, the fourth book of the Misty Creek Series. Yet I am moving forward and a 2025 release date remains likely. I am more than halfway through the second editorial revisions. I am dedicated to the creation of the best book I am able to deliver. For you, the readers of the series, deserve nothing less. But quality requires time, so I ask you to be patient.

There is still much work to do, but stay tuned for the progress reports of When the light Comes Unexpected.

May 1, 2024

For those watching the progress of the fourth book of the Misty Creek Series. Well the Beta Copies of When Light Comes Unexpected have been printed and delivered. The book is scheduled for its 2nd Editorial Review next month. So you see things are moving forward. I can’t give you a publishing date at this time, but rest assured I am hard at work on this story.


July 27, 2023

July 27, 2023

For those of you following along know I have been working on the fourth book of the Misty Creek Series. The volume is tentatively titled, When Light Comes Unexpected. The first set of revisions are now complete and the manuscript goes to my editor in a couple of days. I will keep my fingers crossed that minimal changes will be expected. I know better, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be optimistic.

I know there will be a great deal work ahead on this project, but I have reached an important milestone.


May 28, 2023

Friends I will be in the Marshall County Public Library, Saturday June 3rd,

It should be a fun time for all.

Stop by and say hello.

April 22, 2023

Hello friends,

You can rest assured that I have kept busy these past months. In mid-January I finished the first draft of When Light Comes Unexpected, the fourth book of the Misty Creek Series. The continuing story of Elizabeth’s adventures in Kansas is told in a different style than the first three books. Multiple points of view is a method I do not use often, but it gives me the freedom to keep the reader connected to different events that occur at about the same time. In May I begin the first serious revisions of that story so wish me luck.

In the meantime I have been working with Mark Aikins on a collection of shorter stories. They vary in length from 44 to 4 pages. I will have gone through fourteen of those tales and hope to have them ready for publication sometime in 2024. That project goes under the title of Stories of Life…Love…and Loss…, with a subtitle, and a Little Laughter too…

I’ll keep you up to date on that project as well.



February 25, 2023

With the Sun’s Rising is coming!!!

March 7th, 2023 is the official release date for the third book of the Misty Creek Series. Pre orders are possible at most internet book retailers, so check it out.

For those that live in North Central Indiana, the official release event will be on Thursday March 9th, 5:00PM until 7:00 PM (EST), hosted by the fine people of the La D’zert Cafe’, 401 N. Michigan Street, Plymouth, IN. Come and join in the celebration!



October 1, 2022

With the Sun’s Rising has been sent to the publisher and now things have entered their final stage. It is hard to imagine that nearly four years of work is finally coming to fruition. There remains decisions to be made, cover design and such things, but the book is becoming reality at last. There are book reviews to round up and events to plan. It is an exciting time and I like many of you can hardly wait until I hold the finished product in my hands.

So now, in what I call “writing dead time”, I am pushing forward with my next project. The draft of When Light Comes Unexpected is at least 2/3rds written. I hope to have a rough draft of that book by Christmas. So the work goes on.



August 13, 2022

So, With the Sun’s Rising, has returned from my proofreader and friend, Mark Aikins. It rests with me to go over his work and place the corrections in the manuscript. Meanwhile, my beloved, Jackie, is giving it a thorough read through. Another set of eyes is invaluable and I deeply appreciate her picking up this important task as well.

So friends you see the work is progressing and the finish line is in sight. I have a few other pieces to write, the dedication, the acknowledgements, and fiction disclaimer etc. Small tasks but important as well.

At the present I also continue to add pages to the draft of the fourth book. At 220 pages written, I believe I have passed he mid point of that story. This is but the beginning of that project, but nothing is finished without it being started.

More new later.



June 21, 2022

With the Sun’s Rising is at the proofreader so that is a grand step forward. Each step is a pace in the right direction. So while I am waiting for the pages of changes, I am working on the first draft of my next book. I’m a bit more than 150 pages into the draft and have no idea just low long When Light Comes Unexpected will be. But a writer needs to write.

Stand by for the latest news.



May 4th, 2022

I have finished this last revision of With the Sun’s Rising the third book of the Misty Creek series.

That is cause for celebration!

Now to seek out a proofreader. Wish me luck.



March 28, 2022

I have been working hard on revising the third book in the Misty Creek series. Titled With the Sun’s Rising, has been my central project for more than two years. After I had worked a draft of that manuscript I sent what some might call the first draft to my Editor January of 2021. I would have called that the third or fourth draft. I felt confident in that draft.

Silly me.

When Kristina returned the draft the work really began. I have normally taken four months to do a revision. This revision required eight months of intense work. During the process the draft grew by a little more than fifty percent.


But I was comfortable with the result when, in November, I had completed that revision. I knew that the work was not finished when I sent that draft to my editor. So since February I have been hard at work on this revision. As of today I have pushed through half of the manuscript.

What does that mean?

If I can continue at this pace it will take about six weeks to complete this revision. This is the last revision.

The next step will be to find a proofreader for just one more pass.

So there is yet work to be done, but I am getting closer every day.

With courage and energy I press onward to create this story.


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